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Hospitality and Holidays

Turkmen hospitality and holidays

Turkmen hospitality and holidays
Turkmen hospitality and holidays
Turkmen hospitality and holidays

Turkmen hospitality is the most defining feature of this friendly people. Turkmens often form an opinion about a person by the way he receives guests. The guest is greeted with the words "Hosh Geldiniz!" and, in addition, they utter ritual phrases: “How glad we are to see you! What an honor you have shown us! " The traditions of Turkmenistan go deep into the past.

Kurban Bayram or Eid al-Adha is an Islamic holiday of the end of the Hajj, celebrated 70 days after the holiday of Eid al-Adha, on the 10th day of the month of Zul-Hijja in memory of the sacrifice of Ibrahim, who is considered a prophet in Islam. The exact date of the celebration in the Gregorian calendar may vary from country to country.

For all peoples, spring symbolizes the awakening of new life, brings the joy of the first warmth. Novruz Bayram, which has preserved its life-affirming meaning to present days, fills people's hearts with the healing power of renewal, binds peoples with bonds of friendship, affirming the ideals of goodness and brotherhood throughout the world. This ancient holiday has gained significance as an integral part of the world's cultural heritage.

In Turkmenistan, on March 21 and 22, as every year, the National Spring Festival Novruz Bayram is celebrated, which has lived for many centuries in the souls and memory of many peoples, including the Turkmen people. Present days, this bright holiday of beauty and inspired life has become one of the international holidays that bring peoples closer together, demonstrating the triumph of the high principles of humanism and hard work, calling for friendship and goodwill throughout the world.

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